
Ever notice how some people in your life are nothing but distractions? One may think that’s just by mere coincidence but I’m here to tell you today, that it’s not. That’s a strategy to keep one from manifesting. My advice, pay attention to the pattern. Look out for the blockages.

What is it that you are working on that the distraction just happens to appear? That’s the thing that requires more concentrated time. Look folks, I don’t care if it’s something as simple as…just filling out a job application, if you’re constantly being distracted each and every time you go to fill out job applications “pay attention” to that pattern. Then, make it your business to get those applications filled out. Get it. Remove all Blockages.

I can recall certain people in my life being constant blockages, acting like they were nice, caring and supportive to outsiders looking in but in reality, they were placed strategically in my path to create blockages. Stumbling blocks. It’s how others covertly syphon your energy from it’s up to you, to guard your energy at all times from the energy drainers in your world. Pay attention to where and when you feel exhausted, distracted and a lack of motivation. That’s likely a blockage.

Notice the pattern. Do something about it. Don’t say a word, just listen closely to what Source is trying to tell you about blockages in your life. Pay attention to…”The who, the what and the where“… if it drains you of your high vibrational energy, that’s a blockage.

Cut Master Belly

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Now guess whose job it is to Protect your energy from it? “Yours”….Smile.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel- Triddy Kat’s Meow & Triddy Kat

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