
How long? I have waited patiently but no one has gotten off their *ss yet…Can someone please explain this one to me? People have slandered and flat out lied on my name and character, to try to clean this mess up. I’m no criminal and I will not allow anyone to say otherwise…so where is my Justice in all of this?

Fair or unfair? How do you still get awarded custodial parent? Is this what American Justice looks like? I’ve literally went homeless, harassed at several jobs and in the community, etc. I’m talking harassed to the core, stolen from, gang-stalked, etc. All while fighting over this case for my children. It’s about my children, so what other option do I have? What mother gives up on their children? Trust, that I’m not. Still nothing has changed in the Fulton County Superior Court,(Ga.) why? How long must I wait? Enough is enough already.

Meanwhile, I have never been arrested in my life…I have never done any kind of DRUGS, ever. I don’t smoke or drink either, (I’ve always been too cute to even entertain that type of life style)…It’s simply not for me. So, how long is too long? Thus far, I’ve fought alone for 7 years about this injustice. No help at all from the Fulton County Superior court system in Ga. I can’t get these years back. Is justice truly blind? The sword of truth is piercing and none shall escape judgement.

I am an Educator. I do not have a criminal background…So please, tell me what the heck is going on here? In plain sight.

You be the judge…(See evidence below)

TPO= Restraining Order…this was granted on the minor child, months after being awarded the custodial parent. The older child was granted a Protective Order, for a full year. Both (separate occasions), restraining orders were after being awarded custodial.


This is about Justice, not to shame anyone but to question what is this? How can/did this happen?

There are “Restraining Orders (TPO), Cruelty to Children, DUI’s and 24 week court mandated Parenting Classes”…How do you still gain full custodial rights? It’s not always the child’s other parent being malicious …sometimes, others are not looking at the evidence or paid to look the other way. Smh.

My question: Are women being punished for leaving their marriages? Can we take away their kids to make them stay put and silent in 2024? I sure hope not. Sometimes the unthinkable does happen. Prepare.


Court-ordered (24 week) Parenting Class
Child Cruelty (Child Impact)

So what exactly made me an unfit parent? A divorce? No one will tell me, anything…It’s been like this for 7 years. This entire ordeal was designed to be financially & emotionally exhausting, on purpose…to fit their false narrative. Hoping to cover up the lies and corruption. Not today or ever.

Can someone explain how this could legally occur? Please explain, how the heck did the other get to walk away with Custodial rights of the children? You’re the “primary” parent, how? The evidence should state otherwise; yet, the law was totally disregarded. This is what happens when some are allowed to “weaponize” the Law…and, when blatant abuse of power in court (Fulton County, Ga.) goes unchecked. It produces a case like mine with the words “injustice” written all over it.

Enough is enough. For the record, this is not to put the other parent on blast, because he can’t make legal decisions, (so I’ve slightly blurred the info and name)…it’s for documented proof purposes only. Please, look beyond the parent and only look at the facts, when I say, “It never should have legally occurred, in the first place.” And, why the heck hasn’t it been fixed yet? If it was a mistake…correct it. Something is terribly wrong here.

What the heck is going on in the Fulton County Superior courts in Ga.? When did tyrants/bullies go unchecked for weaponizing the Law against the innocent? This is America, 2024. It is not okay. Lady Justice isn’t blind. It’s the truth that shall set us free. Spirit must take it from here because man/woman has certainly bumped their head. All crooked ways shall be made straight for those that love the Divine. God will not be mocked.

Restoration is here. Read the article “Restoration” here, Restoration The balancing of the scales. The Universe has to step in now because man has certainly dropped the ball with this one… Source will have the final say. No more confusion. I had to heal first or I would have acted a fool over the gross violation(s), of my children and I, legal, human & civil rights.

See, why I stress healing? It matters people. In the meantime, I remain steadfast knowing that justice will prevail…and to that I say, “It’s about damn time.”

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


Visit me at https://triddykatsmeow.com and https://triddykat.com


** Update 12/28/21- I had to repost (child impact form) again because it was mysteriously deleted. Along with me writing that, I have never used drugs and I don’t smoke or drink.ALL unauthorized changes. Go figure.

5 thoughts on “Enough”

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