Frequently Asked Question

 A Life Coach is a professional that is paid to help others get their lives in order.

Now…to me, One’s level of life experiences matter most.  How much have you been through?…I believe one that has experienced what I’m going through, can help me best because they’ve been in my shoes. Reading a book is great, taking classes for a few months is even better but having actual life experience, will always rank highest.  It’ s basically a wellness coach people, someone that helps others reach their goals in many areas in life. 

Since, so many people (women and men) come to me for advice, along with my tips on relationships, dealing with friends and even toxic family situations…I decided to turn this hobby, into profit. I have no problem assisting others but I can no longer do it for free because it is very time consuming. I enjoy talking to people and helping them solve their problems and since I’m very opinionated anyway, I might as well get paid to do what I’ve always done!    

**I’m not charging for any Services yet but “Donations” are always appreciated and accepted via Cash App$triddykat

Keep shining.

 ~Triddy Kat💋

You can also visit me at:  


15 Minute Clarity Call

This helps in screening potential clients. 

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