Angels and Demons

Light and Dark are to be balanced in all all areas of our lives. Remember that so that you stop cursing the dark …both light and dark, serve a Divine purpose. Universal law requires balance. I choose this title from a movie, I truly enjoyed that actor, Tom Hanks starred in. I thought it was great. I’m sure things were exaggerated for entertainment purposes but I appreciated it all the more. I’m also impressed with all of history the Vatican holds of the world and all of its secrets. What a burden?!

I used to want to know about every little thing until the more that was revealed to me… the more, I found, I didn’t really want to know. That’s wild but it’s my truth. So places like the Vatican are essential…it’s needed because God knows we couldn’t handle all truth. I guess, I’m saying, that I’m happy in my ignorance of certain things. I figure, if Source wants me to know, then I trust that Source, will reveal it to me.

Y’all may not believe in it but I think that angels and demons are both needed to keep universal balance. Order….and, that’s all I feel lead to share on that.

As I began to understand life, I recognize that some things aren’t to be shared, so I don’t. I ask for help sharing these things with my audience because I know that Information is power. All must respect it…because with great power, comes great responsibility.

Now back to my title, most people think of angels as these nice meek beings but I laugh because the Good Book describes the power and majesty these beings walk in….”Play with them if you want.” Slang. Heck, thinking on that alone makes me stop to remind us… that all must revere Source. The creator of all. The Alpha and the Omega…Giving praise, where praise is certainly due.

I won’t preach to you guys. I will just add that balance is necessary and I loved hearing about it in another favorite…”The Wheel of Time” when the Fades all were there with the Dark servant and he told him.. “We didn’t come to harm you. We came to restore balance.” Isn’t that what the Ascendent Master Jesus came to do also….restore balance?

So when I look over my life seeing all the hardships and cruelty, done to me, by those that I loved, I no longer hold anger. I’ve acknowledged in those times, demons were very present in certain people in my life…but in spite of all of the cruelty many tried to afflict upon me…I’ve also experienced much more goodness, mercy and love. I was being protected by the angels that were also very present in certain people in my life too. Balance.

I brought all of this up to encourage those that still ask why? It’s always about the Universe balancing out all things and restoring order. Life isn’t personal. We are here to evolve. All shall see good and bad in our lifetime…things just and unjust. You can cry but don’t quit, no giving up. None of us truly remember all that we have done in other lifetimes.

I found peace when I stopped questioning and began to trust Source. Things started to make sense to me and I’m finally ok with not knowing everything.

I don’t curse the darkness anymore but I gladly welcome the Sun. I finally understand that all things were working out for my good…thanks to those angels and demons, keeping the balance between light and dark.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

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