Broken Hearted

I couldn’t wait for my enemies to get their karma, for all the wrong, they’d done to me…I wanted to see them all suffer…That was up until Spirit gently whispered, “So what about the people waiting on that for you?” I’d forgotten that I‘d wronged people too, intentionally or unintentionally. Suddenly, I no longer cared about anyone’s karma. Lol

I became grateful for grace and mercy and just smiled. I began to focus on my own lot in life…things began to change in my life. It was like a weight had been lifted. I’d given people back their own burdens to carry. I had listened to people that I thought, wanted nothing but the best for me…and, when I saw what they really had planned for me, it broke my heart y’all. My heart was broken into tiny pieces, on purpose. It was part of a covert plan, trying to break me. Smh.

First, I was in total denial…I refused to accept the truth. I couldn’t accept that people I loved, secretly hated me..some, my whole life but in my face, they’d all smile. I wept bitterly until I had no more tears left…Learning the truth, broke my heart. I couldn’t fathom or understand, what I’d done, for others to hate me so or want something, so terrible for me. They stripped me of all and relished in it. Dividing up my property and even taking my children. All by the hands of covetous thieves. Read the article, “Insidious” click link here, INSIDIOUS

Laughing and celebrating, while they gathered with others, to plot my death. I was looking for my enemies to blame but to my surprise, it was those I loved, that hated me, most. I felt like they had placed their feet, deep in my chest. I got angry at Source and declared, “I couldn’t take seeing any of it anymore.” I didn’t want to know anymore truth, it was too painful to bear. I wish, I could tell you all something strong and all deep here but truth is, I laid down and cried, for days. My heart hurt too bad to speak. I know better now. They were after my heart of Gold, that’s how covens operate…they harvest energy, it comes off the pain and suffering of others, especially those chosen by the Most High. Guard your heart guys, it absolutely matters. Read the article, Gold Heart” click link here, Gold Heart

I was so embarrassed for not seeing the truth. Who could believe, the people you loved, would set you up? I could barely swallow. My eyes became red, puffy and a little swollen from crying so much. Though, I gave all that I had to everyone around me, it was never enough. The more I gave, they more, they wanted. It was behavior, I’d been conditioned to accept like I’d wrote about in article, “Foresting the Shadow”… click the link here, Fostering the Shadow and in “Afflicted” click link here, AFFLICTED I was depleted and asked, to go replenish myself. Red flag- -One never has to ask to replenish themself. I didn’t know better because I was so desperate for love…I needed to heal. I needed self-love.

When one doesn’t heal from childhood trauma, some will use it against you, and that’s how they can target you. It’s calculated, playing mind games to trauma bond with you. That’s why healing matters. In my case, others knew, I’d give them my last, so they weaponized that against me. Then, all abandoned me trying to crush my spirit, hoping I wouldn’t fight back. Now I understand, why Ascendant Master Jesus, asks on the cross, “Why have thy forsaken me?” Baby, I really get that kind of pain now. Betrayal is hard to heal from but you can get over it. I know because I did. Read the article, “Be” click link here, BE and “Beast” click link here, Beast

I felt crucified by all of those, I’d loved and would have literally laid down my life for. Abandoned, during my darkest hour on purpose… All for lust and greed. I cried out for help but no one answered…all deserted me, for money. I was alone, again, in this cold world. I’d done everything I knew to do right; Yet, it didn’t matter. Helping others, was covertly being used against me, to place me in their trap. Dirty dogs. Lol.

Many plotted to do me very dirty and thought carrying out their malicious plans against me, would go un-noticed. I think not. I documented it all because I knew, others wouldn’t believe it. Hell, I was living it all out and still couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. Many sided with these so-called, professionals but they were the liars, not me. I suffered huge defamation of character and financial losses, by the hands of criminals. Read article, “Predator or Prey” by clicking the link here,

Many were getting paid to lie on me, my character and integrity…creating drama in my life, on every level, on purpose. That’s to cause emotional and mental anguish. I was accused of being everything but a child of God…to people everywhere. I had no idea, all of this was going on behind my back. That’s how they get you… by withholding information on you can’t defend yourself, from all of the slander and gossip being spread, created by the paid-for-hire, rumor mill. Nothing but grown *ss Gossip Mongers. Lol

Trying to cover up, the injustice occurring in the Fulton County (Ga.) courts. They were using conflict and chaos to distract outsiders from the truth. They are scammers, thieves, addicts, frauds and liars. Where is my justice? No one stepped up to defend me, my character or integrity. Therefore, I defend myself, by sharing the truth. Many can check public records and see it all, for yourselves. Evidence was purposely being omitted to obstruct justice …and false filings were purposely being added, in plain sight, starting with this illegal divorce proceeding. Are any of you surprised? I’m not. I was witnessing an atrocity…I couldn’t believe my eyes. I prayed it was a nightmare but it was all, very real.

I was blind-sided, my enemies had devised a wicked plan. They used an illegal divorce. I never showed up for my actual divorce hearing. It should have been thrown out. I was the petitioner, so how could a divorce proceed without my knowledge or consent? Especially, when I’m the one that filed. Please tell me? Violating, my civil rights in every way possible. I never came to the Fulton County Superior Court for my divorce trial / hearing. So legally, it was supposed to be dismissed. I’d know because I’d done it before, twice. What was different this time around? My guess? Gross abuse of power…and the answer is no, I had no lawyer representing me (& neither, did my spouse)…from a “twenty” year marriage. So, go figure.

Somehow, someone illegally used a divorce to take the life, I’d worked so hard to legally, establish for myself, from me..all out of jealousy. Check the Fulton County court records, (on August 21, 2017) I was home, no where near a Fulton County Superior courthouse. I was literally, a “no-show” for my divorce…preparing to file again, if need be. How’d it still go through without, the actual petitioner, present? It’s Impossible. Yet, my lifestyle was still taken. This also included my children, home, cars, career, money and resources, etc.

Some said I was a prostitute, drug dealer, drunk, a std infected, spreading sex-worker. An unfit parent, a gold digger, even a porn star…wtf? I’ve never made a sex tape in my life nor have I ever given any permission for anyone to ever film me, so where was all these lies coming from? Maybe from people who illegally film others with hidden cameras…you know those creeps, we’re warned about growing up. Read the article here, Weirdos These type of people use voyeurism cameras on unsuspecting people. All I know is, these people lied about anything and everything on me, and no one ever fact checked. Also, I do NOT date on-line” at all and never have. They just ran with the lies too. I wonder why? Hmm, I’ll just let them tell it. Wink.

I mean this was beyond a group of mean girls and immature men, it was malice. Intended to block me from ever moving forward…because of envy. Some I knew, others I did not. They did this to block all sorts of offers from me, this included money, love, business, and career. They stole my official documents, pretending to be me, the owner of my websites. I’m guessing this was to hide their illegitimate businesses, underneath, my legitimate business. Thieves were working together, hoping to sell my intellectual property by duplicating my work without consent. Jealous individuals, meticulously planned it out with lots of illegal help. All energy harvesting off of me. These people are insidious indeed.

I was literally left out in the cold on purpose… car, no money, no food and was a step from being homeless. I had to go live in a hotel. Many thought it was funny, to pull the rug from under my feet, out of jealousy. I had no government assistance or help from anywhere…I literally paid $50,000.00 (out of my own pocket) by hard legal work, to live in a hotel…see my hotel receipt below here- Some got paid to bare false witness against me. My question to all is: “How many so-called, unfit parents work to legally pay, to stay in the same room, for 2 plus years...(receipt-756 days consecutively) just to fight for custody of their child? I’ll wait. Slang.

Triddy Kat – One of many receipts, I paid weekly. No hook-ups or anything, just by going to work.

By the way, one living in a hotel is considered, legally homeless. I’m not exaggerating. I had to deal with. It was unfair but who said life would be fair? Read the article “Unfair” here, Unfair I prayed and asked Source to help me because I had no-one to turn to. Too many were in on it to help..But I had truth on my side. I watched many lie for money. That’s what broke my heart nothing many jealous people, all greedy, lustful, liars surrounding me, while pretending to be caring. Please. Read my article, “Negro Please” by clicking the link here , Negro Please

That’s the orchestrated smear campaign, lies were spread about me everywhere, to cover up, this huge injustice. Nefarious plans were being put in to action. Lies make it harder to gain employment and support, it was done on purpose. One must be destabilized, first. That’s why one must lose housing and income, it’s used to destabilize the target.

Nothing is mere is called targeting. I am a whistle blower, I was supposed to be protected from this kind of abuse and retaliation. I was not. I spoke of this in articles, click link here for, INSIDIOUS and link here for, Smooth Criminals and click here for article, Panda. No one can force the petitioner to continue with a divorce, should the petitioner, change his or her mind…at any time, it’s within the petitioner’s legal right to decide whether to withdraw or go through with it..No one else’s. That choice was taken from me…Read article “Choices” here,

The Fulton County Superior Court in Georgia, failed my children and I terribly, by negligently, allowing criminals to make the rules. This is why there are laws in place…I told y’all criminals, use the system to carry out crimes, in plain sight. Read article here, THE SET UP As I type this, legally on paper, I’m married to two men in the state of Georgia and that is through no fault of my own. I have not submitted any false information. Who allowed all of this abuse of power and corruption to occur? Hmm.

I was literally blocked from receiving any help. No one in the Fulton County Superior Court in Georgia, stepped in. Nothing. I’ve contacted local authorities about this gross violation of my HUMAN RIGHTS, still no assistance or clarity in the matter, for several years. It is now 2024, still nothing. I’ve contacted the United Nations for answers. I’m still waiting on their response. I know that it’s illegal to practice, Bigamy in the state of Georgia, so who is altering paperwork, specifically, my marriages and divorce? Are criminals doctoring paper work and forging signatures in the court system? In my case, that is a very big, YES.

I cannot legally be married, to one man until I’m legally divorced, from the previous man, in the first marriage correct…so what the hell is going on in the Superior Court, in Fulton County, Ga.? How could this happen? I’m no Bigamist, but according to legal documentation, I now am. For the record, I agreed to none of this. What the hell is being allowed here? None of this is legal.

On top of this, many, that I carried through their storms, left me, in mine. I remembered one of my favorite scriptures..“I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all of my fears.” I recited this scripture to myself over and over again, crying myself to sleep. I had to learn to stop looking outside of myself for that unconditional love. It was me all along that was supposed to love me unconditionally. I had been conditioned to believe bs…which always left me feeling devastated. Read the article here,

Remember the poem, “Footprints?” Now, I fully understand why the author saw only one set of footprints, at the darkest period of his/her life. I firmly believe, that it was learning the truth and that truth, being so unbearable, that one collapsed under its weight. I was abandoned as a child…a curse on my family for too long to count. During my dark night of the Soul, I was abandoned again, just as I was as a child. I felt the biggest sense of rejection, and questioning myself began…”Was I unworthy of Love?” I had to learn that no one can love me, more than I love myself…I owed it to me. I’m an old soul…So, I began to pour that love, I gave to others back in to myself. Read my article, “Old Soul” here,

Of course, I was worthy of LOVE but Source needed me to know, that I KNOW IT…SOURCE knew this time, I had to learn why one must choose and love oneself more than others… because no matter what one does, there will be a time when everyone will leave and one must know who it is, that is.  Spirit ministered to me…Archangels poured love unto me…My Ancestors held my hands …Ascended Masters reminded me of the mission…all Celestial and Galactic beings gathered to help me, mend from trauma, I suffered in childhood.

Timidly, I held on close to Source. I was so afraid. Healing seemed impossible. How could I face alone, all of the things, others had done to me? The Creator of all, ushered in Love …reminding that it was the only thing real. That I was never alone, no matter how alone I felt. All of creation backs me up. I had no reason to be afraid, so I dropped my fears and embraced my purpose. I stopped running from my calling. Read article “The Calling” by clicking the link here, I answered. Read article here, Reflections

My heart began to rejoice, as the sadness began to slowly, fade away. I departed from all those, Spirit showed me had no love for me. Not mad or upset or bitter. I walked away because I saw my worth and no longer would allow, those that didn’t appreciate who I am, a space in my life. Read the article, “Walks” click link here, They abused that privilege, so I revoked it…hoping one day they will see the error in their ways but never holding my breath for them to awaken and heal.

Every man, has his own journey to take. I can only say a prayer and wish ’em well but I wait for none. I trust Spirit each time I pray, to send me the answers to whatever it takes, to stand strong alone, again. Source nursed me back to health. Day by day, month by month and year by year…I withdrew from all and regained my strength, doing what I could practically and by trusting Spirit, to do the rest. I surrendered and went along with the Ebb and flow of life. Let me share some of the things that have occurred, all through no fault of my own. 

It was literally, me living in the dark (a dark apartment because my lights were cut off) with No car, no money or food…in that darkness, I began to know what the love of God truly is…or meant. Spirit sent strangers, each and every day, to help me. They brought in food, gave me rides and took to me court, took me on job interviews and took me to work and all. They ministered to me. Source wouldn’t allow me to even entertain giving up on myself. Source touched people’s hearts to come by and check on me daily.

I got evicted, but a friend showed up, to help me get my things…so that no one could pick it off the streets. The Creator, never, ever let me suffer alone. Strangers came to look out for me, some came by to take me out to dinner, cooked for me, offered me a place to stay…anything, that I needed…Spirit always sent someone to minister to me, in my time of need, proving I was never ever forgotten and that the Universe greatly adores me. That’s when I recognized that I needed to love me, much more.

Looking out for others first, caused me delays because I felt sorry for them. The enemy can disguise himself as one, in need of assistance. It’s ok to help others but always use your discernment first. In my case, they turned around and threw me under the bus after, I’d just rescued them. I needed to learn…No more martyring myself for others. Self-love is looking after yourself, first but not doing so in a malicious way. I can’t give all of me away. I will have nothing when I need me, to be there, for me.

I realized that I was never alone, God had been with me all along. Hot Damn..The Creator has never abandoned me! As painful as my experience was, it was only to awaken me to truth and who I am. Nothing more. It’s not’s life and it strengthened me, restoring my faith in the Creator of all and ever will be. God is beyond GOOD. Please believe it folks. Slang.

The one that sticketh closer than a brother or a friend. Held me down…My God, My God!! God is good y’all. Baby, I lived through it all. That which was supposed to kill me, only made me stronger. I got to taste and see the Lord is good and worthy to be praised! Oh yes sir… I can’t tell you guys what you will go through in life, it rains on the just and the unjust alike, guys…but I can tell you this, the Creator cares, so cast your cares upon the Creator. That broken heart will surely mend, I promise you. Yes guys, that’s more slang.

Many counted me out but Source knew all along, I’d awaken and begin to see. I hate no one. They’ve all played their role in my life, fulfilling their soul contracts with me. Nothing was lost. I had many teachers along the way… allowing, the scriptures to become alive to me. It was the word of God that saved me, protected me and gave me back, my strength. For I can truly say now, that I lived it…and, that was what helped me heal. I just needed to look within, those I thought would be there, wasn’t supposed to be there because God wanted me, to open my eyes and truly see. I don’t know who needs this but if I’m speaking it..someone will read this and know Source cares. If nobody else does, the Creator of all cares. Be encouraged.

It’s never been about Me. Katrina, akaTriddy Kat. Read the article, “Katrina” here, KATRINA Just like you’ve been assigned to fulfill your purpose…others are assigned, to STOP you from fulfilling that purpose. It’s not you, that they IS, Spirit, within you, they hate. That’s between them and Source. Don’t take any of it personal, forgive yourself and others, release people. Believe in Love again, it’s the only thing real. 

Keep doing right. I promise you guys, it’s never in vain…I share this because some think, I’ve had life easy..I haven’t, I just don’t look like, all that I’ve been through. Press forward, no matter what. Nothing stops God’s will for your life. Now Fight, the good fight. You’ve got learn to expect the bs and prepare to fight hell for what’s yours..The violent taketh by force. That’s why I am never ashamed or embarrassed of what I come from or have been through. I appreciate it all, interwoven, hood and intelligence…it’s whatever dear, you can get the Sweet side or the Spiritual Solider…Read the article, “Spiritual Punk or Solider” by clicking the link here, That’s balance, harmony, unity and polarity. No longer afraid, I boldly walk in my duality, comfortably accepting that I am fully aligned with the Universe…. It’s called, “Oneness.” Wink.

PS-I can’t be y’all savior, I’ve seen what the world does to their savior. No thanks, I’ll just continue being myself. Making no apologies for it, ever. Damn skippy, I play by my own rules and The Most High approves and smiles back at me.

In spite of all my children and I have endured, God is better than GOOD.

**UPDATE – As of March of 2024, My children and I have never received even a morsel of help from the Fulton County Superior courts in Ga. concerning this pivotal matter. Yes, the one that’s all over the news lately. Therefore; I was forced to relocate back home (NYC) in July of 2023, for legal assistance.

“God works in mysterious ways.” Wink.

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋

Youtube channel– TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW

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*Note– Both websites, 1. TRIDDY KAT. com and, 2. TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW . com are run solely by me, Triddy Kat. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission to use any of my intellectual property or represent me.

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