
Faith without works is dead.” Don’t you hate it, when people say things like this, all deep and just assume, we all know what it means? If you’re anything like me, you’ve heard someone say this out loud and thought, “What the heck is that supposed to mean Dude?” First of all, it’s likely someone quoting Scripture…Which doesn’t bother me but please grant me the clarity to use your words in context. Thanks. That way, I will understand how that scripture fits into our conversation. Oh, so you’re basically saying, “You can pray all day, where is the actions you’ve taken to bring forth this manifestation?” See how that works? Got it. Good. Read the article, “Manifestant” click link here, Manifestant

This morning, I woke up with Rapper, Special Ed’s – –“I’m the Magnificent” song on my mind. I chuckled to myself and said, “I sure am.” That epiphany came about from looking back at all I’ve made it through. A thousand may fall at thy side, ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near thee. I may be off on the word usage here but Source has proven that scripture to be TRUTH for me.

I remember playing mind games and being full of sh*t. Now, I laugh when those same type of people approach me, trying to run their game. That’s slang. I use to get offended, now it’s just whatever. What you put out, that and that alone…must return back unto you. That’s not personal guys, it’s just Universal Law. When I didn’t know any better, I’d play mind games with the best of ’em. BUT… when I finally awakened, I quietly gathered my things (put a finger in the air, like the lady does at church) and left the kids on the playground. Wink.

I am firm believer in, when you know better, you’re to do better. Period. All, will get the life experience and learn that lesson of, What you give, is what you will get. If you’re positive and you’re not getting positive results in return…you were supposed to remove yourself from that equation. Not like a Side Show causing a scene but by bowing out gracefully, as one with grace and dignity does. You are to Be, The Magnificent. Read the article, “Be” click link here

I remember one of my exes, telling me something that stuck to me until this very day…KNOW who you are f**king with. Hood Translation- It’s your job to find out who you are dealing with, no one else’s. I just say, “Never mistake someone’s kindness, as his/ her weakness.” That type of thinking will grant an opportunist, the opportunity, to fall on his/ her own sword.

That particular ex was so right. I have love for my exes because they’ve taught me so much, intentionally and unintentionally. I told y’all that in my article, “For the Streets” follow the link here I was naive whenever I’d expect people to treat me well because I’d treated them well (but in return, they’d s*** on me). Why? Because I had no idea of whom it really was, that I was truly dealing with. A creep. I told you guys that in my article, Katrina. Read article, “Katrina” click link here, KATRINA There’s a lot to a name. A person that treats people bad, in exchange to those, that have treated them well, is a real live creep until they heal. Period. Lol.

Accept that fact… then, leave it right there with them. That’s not my problem on how you decide to treat others, it’s yours. You get to hold & own that, not me. It can only become my problem, if I KEEP dealing with you. So I’d see it for what it is…and, leave it right there with that person, group or job, etc. They can remain a creep(s) for life but it’s no longer my business, concern or issue. Why? Because… I’m, The Magnificent. I don’t have to deal with or put up with foolishness, so I don’t. I have nothing to prove, I leave it alone. That’s your energy not mine.

I had to grow up and learn to detach. Key words- Grow up. People who can’t leave stuff alone are co-dependent. That’s also devil energy, I told you guys about that in my other article. Stop needing to be needed or right. Stop making others the center of your Universe. Source is the only one that deserves that spot. Practice SELF-LOVE…so that you can treat people decent but expect nothing from them. No one owes you a thing. Only YOU owe yourself.

I’m the magnificent cause I’ve been dragged to hell by my enemies and I’ve come back, completely, in tact because Spirit told them all, “I wish a n***a would…Hands off.” What others did to me on purpose, to try to hurt, break, crush and even kill me…Source used every bit of it, all to develop me. Tell me that ain’t Gangster? Spirit ain’t nothing to play with folks. I’ve lost absolutely nothing. My ancestors saw to it. Archangels encamp around me. The Creator of all redeems, regenerates, replenishes, rejuvenates..and restores all of my strength, not man…I bounced right back because no man can alter my destiny. Man is not my Source.

Now, I understand how much of a Gangster Ascendant Master Jesus had to be, to boldly state, “No man taketh my life, lest I lay it down and give it to him. That’s hood translation for: “Y’ALL CAN’T DO ME NONE, BOO…because YOU ALL HAVE NO POWER OVER ME UNLESS I GIVE IT TO YOU!” Yes, people that’s my interpretation and it’s slang. Smile.

Jesus knew he reached all when he spoke because He stood in his God-given Power and Authority. The gates of hell cannot prevail against thee.

Now, that’s TRUTH, it resonates and shall defend itself. Ascendant Master Jesus overcame the world because he knew exactly who he was and whom’s he was…The Magnificent. Just like I, too, know.

My question for y’all reading this today is —Do you? 

Keep shining.

~Triddy Kat💋


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*Note- Both websites, 1. TRIDDY KAT. com and, 2. TRIDDY KAT’S MEOW . com are run solely by me, Triddy Kat. There are no employees, ZERO, employed at either entity. I work alone. Anyone claiming to work with or for me is committing, FRAUD. No one has been given legal permission to use any of my intellectual property or represent me.

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